1. Introduction

Unity Mining Limited aims to ensure that investors are fully informed about all major developments  affecting the Company’s operations. Information is communicated to investors through the Company’s Quarterly and Annual Reports, half-year and full year results announcements, formal disclosures to the ASX through company announcements, the Company’s website and  the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”). The AGM also provides an important opportunity for investors to ask questions, express views and respond to Board proposals.

The Company is conscious of the need to communicate effectively with its investors and endeavours, wherever practicable, to take advantage of new technologies that provide opportunities for enhanced communication with investors. As part of the Company’s Investor Communication Strategy, the Company has developed the Company’s website ( which significantly enhances the Company’s ability to communicate with its investors.

2. Company Announcements

The Company endeavours to post all announcements made to the ASX on its web site on the day the announcement is made. Where the Company is unable to place an announcement on its web site on the same day that the announcement is made (including, for example, where the announcement is made after the close of business on a particular day), the Company will
endeavour to post the announcement on its web site as soon as is reasonably practicable thereafter.

3. Notices of Meeting and Explanatory Information

The Company has a policy of posting the full text of each Notice of Meeting (including any accompanying explanatory information) on its website at the time the Notice is sent to investors.

4. Historical Information

The Company also endeavours to ensure that the web site includes at least the Company’s previous three years of:

  • Company announcements;
  • Quarterly Reports, Financial results; and
  • Annual Reports.

5. Investor Relations

The Managing Director, the Company Secretary, and the Investor Relations Manager deal with investor inquiries on a daily basis. Investors can contact the Company on via e-mail on

Investors seeking information on their security holding can also contact the Company’s Registrar, Boardroom Pty Ltd.

The Company encourages shareholders to register to a web mail service on the Company’s website to receive reports and notification of market releases by e-mail.

The Company maintains an extensive database of stakeholder details (including e-mail addresses) and where practicable, utilises this information to communicate with its stakeholders.

When required the Company will attend national and international conferences and undertake marketing rounds to keep its shareholder base informed of its activities and future  developments.

The Company lodges with ASX the content of Company presentations given to investors or industry bodies.

The Company will continue to review the availability of new technologies as they are developed to ensure that, where practicable, it can take advantage of any opportunity to more effectively
communicate with its investors.

6. AGMs

Attendance of Investors

The Company encourages investors to attend its AGM and general meetings which are generally held near its head office in Melbourne.

Notices of Meeting

The Company is also committed to ‘best practice’ drafting methods in the preparation of its notices of meeting, including the utilisation of plain English and employing a structure and format that ensures ‘readability’ and ease of understanding for investors.

Attendance of Auditor

As required by the CLERP 9 amendments to the Corporations Act, the Company’s auditor is invited to attend the Company’s AGM to answer any questions from investors about the audit process.